2024 School Captains

Introducing the School Captains for 2024:
Erin Brond (VC) Pia Bell (C) Judah Kelleher (C) Zac Empey (VC)

2025 Year 7 Information Night - October

Upcoming Events

Order now

Uniform Orders

The uniform shop is open Wednesdays from 1:45pm - 2:15pm.
Please place your orders for school uniform online via the Uniform Shop tab at the top of the page.
Exchanges can be made at the shop Wednesday lunchtimes.

Important Dates

Tuesday 17th September - Year 12 VCE VM Upcycle Exhibition 4:30pm - 6pm in the Steam Centre
Tuesday 17th September - OES Landcare Excursion
Wednesday 18th September - Year 7 Cheviot Tunnel Exc.
Thursday 19th September - PTS Interviews 4pm - 7pm
Friday 20th Sept. - Last day of Term 3, 2:30pm dismissal
Monday 7th October - First day of Term 4
Tuesday 8th October - 2025 Year 7 Information Night 5:30pm

Student Free Days

No students onsite the following days:

Monday 4th November

Our Vision

A dynamic learning environment where the whole community takes responsibility in preparing for the future.

Our Values


for self, others and the environment


doing your best all the time


an interest in the world and our learning

School Behaviour Matrix

Respect for Self

Use appropriate language

Be polite and respectful in dealing with people

Bring necessary materials

Arrive on time

Have a go and challenge yourself

Wear correct uniform

Respect for Others

Ensure your behaviour does not interfere with the learning of others

Be punctual and prepared

Allow others to have their say

Finish class in a respectful manner

Follow class rules

Ask to use electronic devices

Respect for Environment

Place all rubbish in bins

Leave rooms neat and tidy

Watch your language and noise volume

Be aware of the safety of others

Share school spaces